DevOps Industry Updates #12

Kubernetes adds structured logs, GCP introduces an ordered message queue (woot) and HashiCorp releases an official Homebrew Tap. The world of DevOps continues to deliver! It has barely been 10 days since the last issue, and we have many new developments to cover:

🔥 Top Cream

This issue’s top 4 stories:

  1. Kubernetes Introduces Structured Logs
  2. HashiCorp’s New Homebrew Tap
  3. Google Cloud Pub/Sub released an ordering feature
  4. Use Terraform to Create and Manage a HA AKS Kubernetes Cluster in Azure

🌎 Society

📟 DevOps

  • Amazon ECR vs. Docker Hub vs. GitHub Container Registry by Andreas Wittig: a container registry is a crucial aspect of a containerized workflow and infrastructure. This blog post compares three different container registries: Amazon ECR, Docker Hub, and GitHub Container Registry.

  • Houston, we have Plugins! Traefik 2.3 by Manuel Zapf: Traefik 2.3 brings in new capabilities, including the Traefik Plugin system, integration with Traefik Pilot, support for Amazon ECS, and support for the Kubernetes IngressClass API resource launched in Kubernetes 1.18.

  • Rebuilding Linkerd’s CI with Kubernetes in Docker (kind) and GitHub Actions by Andrew Seigner: in mid-2019, the Linkerd project’s continuous integration (CI) took 45 minutes, all tests were serialized on a single Kubernetes cluster, and multi-hour backups were common. A migration onto one-off Kubernetes in Docker (kind) clusters and GitHub Actions got CI below 10 minutes, and made it parallelizable.

🛠️ DevOps Tools

  • HashiCorp’s New Homebrew Tap by Chloe Cota: get Terraform, Packer, Vault, Consul, and Nomad up and running even faster on macOS with HashiCorp’s new official Homebrew Tap.

  • duo-labs/cloudmapper: CloudMapper helps you analyze your Amazon Web Services (AWS) environments. The original purpose was to generate network diagrams and display them in your browser. It now contains much more functionality, including auditing for security issues.

☸️ Kubernetes

  • Apache Kafka DevOps with Kubernetes and GitOps by Rick Spurgeon: operating critical Apache Kafka event streaming applications in production requires sound automation and engineering practices. Streaming applications are often at the center of your transaction processing and data systems, requiring them to be accurate and highly available. To do just that that, this blog post weaves together Kubernetes, GitOps, and Confluent Cloud.

  • Chaos Mesh 1.0: Chaos Engineering on Kubernetes Made Easier: after 10 months of effort within the open-source community, Chaos Mesh is now ready in terms of functionality, scalability, and ease of use. Highlights include powerful chaos support, a UI for visual chaos orchestration and a Grafana plug-in for enhanced observability.

🔐 Security

💻 Programming

  • Big O, little n by Adam Zerner: this post explains why when you have a little n, big-O doesn’t matter.

  • The Python return Statement: Usage and Best Practices by Leodanis Pozo Ramos: using the return statement effectively is a core skill if you want to code custom functions that are Pythonic and robust. In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to use the Python return statement in your functions, how to return single or multiple values from your functions and general best practices.

📖 Machine Learning

🐧 Linux

  • A beginner’s guide to gawk by Ricardo Gerardi: the gawk command is a standard sysadmin tool. Learn to use it to extract information from files and your system and you’ll never look cat to cat | grep again.

☁️ Cloud

  • Scaling the Root of the DNS by Geoff Huston: DNS is simple in the same way that Chess or Go are simple. They are all constrained environments governed by a small set of rigid rules, but they all possess astonishing complexity when being scaled.

  • AWS needs to step up its DevOps game by Luc Van Donkersgoed: on September 1st, Gartner released the first edition of the Magic Quadrant for Cloud Infrastructure and Platform Services. This Magic Quadrant contained many interesting analyses, but one stood out to me - not in the least because I’ve experienced it firsthand. AWS needs to step up its DevOps game.



  • adds support for Azure Spot VMS by Zev Schonberg: back in May Azure introduced a new pricing model, called Azure Spot VMs, which provide up to 90% in cost savings. However, Azure can take back these VMs with limited notice, making them a challenge to productionize. To remedy this, Spot has released a new version of Elastigroup that allows its users to run mission-critical workloads on Azure Spot VMs with enterprise-level SLAs.


Article version: 1.0.0

Written on October 5, 2020