DevOps Industry Updates #1

It’s been only two weeks since the last issue and there’s already so much to cover! Besides the usual tech updates, we’ve seen some increased M&A activity and a growing trend of companies doubling-down/going all-in on their remote working cultures. Without a doubt, our industry is currently undergoing a major transformation and I personally can’t wait to see what type of efficiencies can be enacted with the new societal norms that form.

🔥 Top Cream

This issue’s top 3 stories:

  1. WeChat Surveillance Explained
  2. FairwindsOps/goldilocks: get your Kubernetes resource requests “Just Right”
  3. EC2 Price Reduction – For EC2 Instance Saving Plans and Standard Reserved Instances

🌎 Society

  • Zoom Acquires Keybase by Keybase: our single top priority is helping to make Zoom even more secure. There are no specific plans for the Keybase app yet, but ultimately Keybase’s future is in Zoom’s hands.

🏠 The permanence of WFH

📟 DevOps

  • What’s new in Grafana v7.0 by Grafana Labs: this release is “the most monumental release for us in the company’s history,” said Raj Dutt, co-founder and CEO of Grafana Labs. Grafana 7.0 brings tracing to the observability platform, rounding out support for the three pillars of observability — logging, metrics, and tracing. The update also allows users to transform data on the fly and create plugins for new data sources in any language.

  • Announcing HashiCorp Consul 1.8 by Neena Pemmaraju: Consul 1.8 adds features that lower the barrier to entry for adopting a service mesh in heterogeneous environments. These include 3 new Gateways: Ingress, Terminating and WAN Federation over Mesh.

  • Apache Kafka Needs No Keeper: Removing the Apache ZooKeeper Dependency by Colin McCabe: currently, Apache Kafka uses Apache ZooKeeper to store its metadata. Data such as the location of partitions and the configuration of topics are stored outside of Kafka itself, in a separate ZooKeeper cluster. This initiative will break this dependency and bring metadata management into Kafka itself.

Speaking of Kafka:

  • Hashicorp Learn: Learn how to provision, secure, connect, and run any infrastructure for any application.

🛠️ DevOps Tools

  • goldilocks by FairwindOps: get your resource requests “Just Right”. By using the kubernetes vertical-pod-autoscaler in recommendation mode, we can see a suggestion for resource requests on each of our apps. This tool creates a VPA for each deployment in a namespace and then queries them for information.

  • salesforce/cloudsplaining by Salesforce: Cloudsplaining is an AWS IAM Security Assessment tool that identifies violations of least privilege and generates a risk-prioritized HTML report with a triage worksheet.

  • Supporting the HashiCorp Terraform Extension for Visual Studio Code by Paul Tyng: the original creator (Mikael Olenfalk) of the VS Code extension has transferred ownership of the extension to HashiCorp. HashiCorp is working internally to update the VS Code extension to fully support the 0.12 syntax and use the HashiCorp Language Server by default.

☸️ Kubernetes

  • WSL+Docker: Kubernetes on the Windows Desktop by Nuno do Carmo Docker & Ihor Dvoretskyi: new to Windows 10 and WSL2, or new to Docker and Kubernetes? Welcome to this blog post where we will install from scratch Kubernetes in Docker KinD and Minikube.

💻 Programming

  • 6 Ways Salesforce Gets Things Done with Python by Laura Lindeman: Salesforce Engineering puts Python to work across many areas of their business, including machine learning, security, internal DevOps teams and more.

  • Electron 9.0.0 Released by Verte Dinde: the popular cross platform desktop app framework gets more dependency bumps and is now running on Chromium 83, V8 8.3 and Node.js 12.14.

  • State of routing in Rust by Pavan Kumar Sunkara: there are many micro frameworks in Rust and we have seen many blog posts comparing their performances and middleware capabilities. But what we haven’t seen is an article comparing their routing functionality and capabilities - until now.

  • Learning Rust in 2020 by pretzelhammer: reviews of free online resources a rust beginner can use to practice writing small simple Rust programs.

  • Five Years of Rust by The Rust Core Team: it has been five years since we released 1.0! Rust has changed a lot these past five years, so we wanted to reflect back on all of our contributors’ work since the stabilization of the language.

(sorry for all the Rust articles!)

🐧 Linux

  • SSH Agent Explained by Carl Tashian: the SSH agent is a central part of OpenSSH. In this post, I’ll explain what the agent is, how to use it, and how it works to keep your keys safe. I’ll also describe agent forwarding and how it works.

  • What Is Nix by Burke Libbey: a crash course in what Nix is, how to think about it, and why it’s such a valuable and paradigm-shifting piece of technology.

🔩 Hardware

  • Nintendo 64 Architecture by Rodrigo Copetti: a fantastic overview of how Nintendo implemented 3D graphics, audio and anti-piracy/region-lock features for the N64 console.

🔐 Security

  • Memory safety by Chromium Security: the Chromium project finds that around 70% of our serious security bugs are memory safety problems.

☁️ Cloud

Amazon Web Services

  • AWS Networking 101 by Ivan Pepelnjak: a high-level overview of AWS VPC and a look at VPC Packet Forwarding.

  • Introducing CDK for Kubernetes by Elad Ben-Israel and Nathan Taber: cdk8s is a new open-source project that lets you define Kubernetes applications and reusable components using familiar programming languages. cdk8s (pronounced “cd kates“) lets you use programming languages like TypeScript or Python to generate standard Kubernetes YAML – which means that you can use it to define applications for any Kubernetes cluster running anywhere, both on-premises and the cloud.

AWS service updates

  • Easily control the naming of individual IAM role sessions by Derrick Oigiagbe: AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) now has a new sts:RoleSessionName condition element for the AWS Security Token Service (AWS STS), that makes it easy for AWS account administrators to control the naming of individual IAM role sessions.

  • 90%+ price reduction for AWS IoT Jobs by Alejandra Quetzalli: I have good news for AWS customers using the AWS IoT Device Management service. There has been a 90%+ price reduction for AWS IoT Device Jobs!


Which ironically brings us to:

🚢 Leadership

Article version: 1.0.0

Written on May 24, 2020